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Sugar withdrawal diabetes diet - sweetening retraction diabetes fare

19-12-2016 à 22:34:50
Sugar withdrawal diabetes diet
Mood swings are a common withdrawal symptom when people go off sugar. I am eating fruits and vegetables, whole grain and protein. I am not marketing for Excedrine, but it will work better then asprin, Tylenol, etc. I am also getting very strong cravings for chocolate when I am in the supermarket. I have been reading comments for over an hour and am feeling much relief that so many other people understand these feelings and pains. I am really putting a lot of water and fresh fruit through my system to help purge. Eating 3-4 servings of whole grains per day (down from my probably 8-10 non-whole per day). Just in case, you might want to see if your local library has a copy. I am a little shaky and have sweaty palms. I am a school teacher, so teaching middle and high school kids during this time is CRAZY. I think that many people go through mini-withdrawals every day when they eat a lot of sugar, and more sugar makes them go away for a while. But I am determined, although I didnt expect it to be quite this bad. (I was on an all fruit and veg detox for a week). I drank about like you but felt it was having a negative effect on my life and wanted to have kids. Along with this have been eating a cleaner diet for the past two months (MUST see Forks over Knives) and have trimmed down. I also just read a personal account by a wonderful gardening author who suffered from celiac disease for years before she was finally diagnosed. I want to thank you and everyone else for sharing what you have and are experiencing. I now have a glass of water when I get home and then Diet pop. So after doing a lot of research about sugar, I realized that I was eating a disgusting amount every day which was not helping my weightloss at all. You might want to do some more research on this issue and then switch to plain old water, perhaps flavored by a squirt of lemon juice. My most difficult area will be no sugar in my coffee. Donna, in the past I found that drinking even one less Coke a day would make my head pound. If your blood pressure seems to be elevated, you might want to talk to your doctor. This year, at 33, I went off sugar for 3 months. Unsweetened decaf hot tea (herbal) has helped alot with my cravings. I do have quite a lot of insight into my own health, but I can say for sure that I have never before had to deal with such crippling anxiety. I have to admit I took excedrin, had a frapaccino and felt better, I know I fell in the trap, but the pain was bad and I was driving home. Xylitol molecule contains 5 carbon atoms rather than the 6 of most other sugars. If you are in pain or having a troublesome transition, why not cut back gradually. I automatically felt better and my mood changed. I was crying a lot, feeling more stressed and very anxious actually. I went to the Chiropractor for an adjustment yesterday too. I have a problem with sugar that causes me to gain and lose 40, 50, 60 pounds very other year. I have found that I not put any sugar in my tea and no sugar on cereal, plus I have headache that takes a day or to go away Are these sugar withdrawl syptomes because, if so I am misreable. , with whole grains, potatoes, squash and other healthy sources of necessary glucose. I was exausted and slept 10 hours a day just so I could function at my job. With sugar addiction, the withdrawal symptoms may be weakness, slight nausea, headache, and other fairly mild but possibly uncomfortable symptoms. I gave up all white sugar about 8 years ago, when diagnosed with Candida, and saw my weight drop by about 3 stone. Once on the drive home from work, I had an apple for a snack. I always ate desserts so that habit is going to end. I never really ate a lot of sweets but with the holiday season just ending, I think I may have over done it. I dont know if this applies to you but any form of nuts or beer or ale can bring one on out of no where. Else, we are cutting off the fuel that keeps the body running in high gear. You also may have low blood sugar unless you switch instead to slower-acting carbohydrates, like beans, squash, or whole wheat bread. I would say though that I disagree with sugar withdrawl symptoms being relatively mild. I have been eating protein when I crave sweets. About a week ago decided to give up the sugar AND caffeine. Either way, tomorrow is day 1 out of 14 and only the beginning. The moodiness is very common, but this far into your no-sugar diet, the head pain might actually be caused by something else. Just wanted to update so that anyone currently struggling will see there is hope at the end of the tunnel. 5 miles at least 4 times a week. Good luck. In fact, I would suggest that you make that appointment today. Good luck to me, as well as of you my fellow addicts, in our uphill battle with our nemesis. And be sure to eat lots of good veggies, get some protein, and drink lots of water. I myself think that it ties into the withdrawal from sugar. I to am slightly overweight and all in the middle. I have started feeling a headache but during exercise before I started the diet, as well as now I have started the diet, I experienced alot of mucus in my nose and throat and it was particularily noticeable during exercise. The symptoms of sugar withdrawal can include headaches, fatigue, depression, drowsiness, skin eruptions, and mucus or throat discomfort. My relationship with food continues to change and I am noticing how I used sugar to pacify myself. Once you take away that pacifier, all of these emotions that have been buried so deeply over the years all start to resurface, and we really have to deal with them and not just keep pushing them away. Good to know other people are going through the same thing. I had to nap a lot to get through the day. Just found this Web site, and feel very glad that I did. They also said I have a yeast intolerance. The headaches have subsided, i have had sleeping issues for a few weeks, struggle to eat, constant dizziness, my shoulder aches and my neck has begun to ache. I am more emotional and anxious than usual, more on edge, a little shaky. I literally have gone days and days without eating anything besides candy and chocolate. and so on is not looking great even tho i have improved my diet lately. My strangest symptom is my eyesight is being effected — having a hard time reading small print at all, even with my glasses on, there is a drastic difference since before I went off the sugar last week. I have to be locked in my room with no light and ice pack plus 1000mg of exedrin, midol or something strong for it to go away. For many years my own addiction to sugar and fat made weight loss almost impossible for me. Anyway, great article and thanks for the info. Just one thought, for the record. Why Sugar Addiction Matters, and What You Can Do to Stop Sugar Cravings. As of now I am trying to educate myself on healthy eating habits and cut out the sugar altogether. Some of the symptoms you describe sound rather similar. Thought i was going mad, feeling low in mood and all over body aches, like flu but not to that extreme. My boyfriend does not understand what I am going through. I would be very careful about using any form of sweetener at least during the first few months as you wean yourself off sugar. He agreed to help me read labels. I had tons of energy and my mood was great (no mood swings and I was generally positive). No energy at all, and like someone else mentioned, my eyesight is kind of weird. Working out did help but only for an hour. I have given up all sugar even fruit except for one small serve of berries. But by further cleansing for the first few weeks, I find it helps speed up the process of eliminating all the toxic stuff in your system and shortening your withdrawal symptoms dramatically. Magnesium deficiency will aslo cause cravings for sugar. And the most scary thing Faith is that until recently people were not aware of it, we grew up on sugar and thought nothing of it and now when you try to give it up it is torture. It makes me realize what a horrible addiction I really have to sugar and and junk food. Reading these posts have really helped, hopefully I can last the 2 weeks of sugar detox. Gave up wine, chocolate and sweets last week in a bid to lose weight and feel healthier. Welcome. Headache and anxiety, cuddling with my pup at the moment to calm. It worked. I quit sugar yesterday and I am way more emotional than normal. This has got to be the hardest thing I have ever tried to do, even harder than quitting smoking. So far sugar withdrawal headaches are my worst symptom but the HCG drops really make it so there is no shakiness or weakness. For instance, you might have caught a virus, or there may be something else going on. I never realized I had such a HUGE addiction. Since stopping sugar I do feel hungry a lot. I am rejoicing in eating fresh vegetables and my palate has changed. I guess it just never really impacted me just how much sugar it has. However, the caffeine and sugar withdrawal symptoms have been brutal. Yes, I eat the good stuff, but I would eat cookies after each meal, ice cream some nights, etc. I know that this is only day one and it will get worse before it gets better but it is good to know that I am not alone in this battle. It took me a while to figure out it was actually something I was drinking and not eating. And my eyes are watering much more than usual and are pretty goopy in the morning. I have had a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach, like it is telling me something is missing. It seems the sugar was just blocking everything. It is a sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. I hope I can keep this up and get through it and eliminate the Coke. That helps with other symptoms, so maybe it would help the spasms, too. Using an intense workout and taking metformin my blood sugar is back to normal thank GOD. Also going to cut my 3 cups of coffee a day out gradually. Xylitol is the best in my books and no after-taste. I have had several symptoms of pre-menopause over the last 6 months: night sweats, changes in cycle, hot flashes, etc. Jonni, I plan on looking into your books as well, they sound very interesting and like they could be helpful. But they will probably think I am crazy since they dont ever seem to eant to acknowledge that sugar addictions are even real. At the end of the 2nd week I was given a day off my diet. I was so relieved to find this site and read that other people are going through this and its not just me. I have no choice but to give up sugar in every single form. My eating habits were effecting the way my body felt, lethargic and depressed. I see that staying quiet and resting might help. I should have read your previous comment more carefully. I knew that there must be some sugar withdrawl symptoms. They all say I need to stop sugar, wheat and caffeine. For the last couple days I have been totally and absolutely exhausted, and I want to sleep all day, legs feel unsteady, lousy sleeping, hot cold flashes, plus no real appetite. Again, thank you for this website because otherwise I might not do this. I still will have sugar in coffee but for everything else I have been using Ideal sugar substitute. But tonight the gravy called for the white flour and the turnip had some honey, so i just ate it. My parents and my sister all died prematurely of circulatory issues, so this is NO JOKE. I have been eating a great deal of low alkaline vegetables and. I do have to say just finding this site has been helpful. My tantrums and emotional breakdowns got way better. I began a new diet just a few days ago called the HCG diet. I am determined to see this through and continue to eat sugar free for the rest of my life. I was so irritable, I just could not explain it. A lot of people seem to have fewer problems with these rashes when they eat better, but it looks like science does not yet agree with them, at least as far as the psoriasis goes. I have had migraines before and these are worse. The author of the book I just read said the best book about celiac disease is Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic. I am perimenopausal with two little kids and need to get some energy abck through better nutrition. We are so much what we eat and for a huge percentage of the population our diets do not include all manner of vitamins and minerals. I would have never known cutting out sugar would have this kind of drastic effect on my body. I have had a lot of extenuating stress that has me reaching for the sweets. You need protein to keep your blood sugar regulated, not sugar. It is hurting quite a lot today but I know if I just get through the first week like this then it should be easier from then. I think this is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done, but feel confident it will help me. I have only been off sugar since the start of Wednesday. I am currently on day two and although yesterday, aside from a slight headache and severe cravings, it wasnt bad. The minute I drink it I feel so much better. Withdrawals from Pepsi are really tough, because of the caffeine headaches. As the headaches get milder you can deal with them on your own. I wasnt moody anymore and I felt more attentive. I find that when I am at work I am OK but getting to work is quite challenging. I am about a month off coffee and suffered all the caffiene withdrawl symptoms that others have mentioned. (I have also gone through many of the physical symptoms that other folk have mentioned too including cramps, sudden bowel motions and headaches for first 3 days). As soon as we eat a big hit of sugar our blood glucose goes up, and then insulin kicks in and removes as much of the sugar from our bloodstream as possible. This may not apply to you, of course, but she said the common symptoms are bloating, gas, stomach cramps, diarrhea or constipation, joint pain, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, itchy skin lesions, fatigue, and headaches or migraines. All this led to the weight coming back on. The worst thing for me is suffering with low mood and low energy. I am eating very well balanced meals — fish, poultry, vegtables, legumes nuts, etc. Then I started to get very jumpy, my hands shook and I completely lost my appetite. I fell right to sleep when I got in bed and I woke right up in the morning and felt really good. I hope everyone here can have the strength to get off sugar and thrive. I started this morning and am already getting a headache. Stir-crazy. ) and feel rotten. I have been going thru the no sugar in my diet and am now stopping glutens to see if that makes me feel better. Anyway, if you are struggling, you need to know that once you get thru the first few days, you will realize that it is just not worth it, because of how great you will feel sugar free. I always thought it was the lack of caffeine when I would get a headache if I had a delay in getting my Coke. Nick, this is definitely a question for your doctor. Today I have really bad gas and chronic diarrhoea. Yesterday I bought a small bakery cake and ate almost the whole thing. In the past I had a nutritionist who suggest Chromium GTF to curb cravings. Also is understood that any type of bread, even brown bread, or whole grain turns to sugar almost immediately. First week also included no fruit, honey, white flours, bread, white rice and pasta. I am very interested to understand more about the benefits of kefir grans. I am hoping that week 3 sees a lift in my energy and mood. Day One: Depression, anxiety, cried all afternoon and evening for no reason and then I got nausia and thought I was going to throw up twice. I will get to read the rest, in time there is so many. Today is day 3 for me with no refined sugars. Moody, sad, irrational, unfocused, headaches and since last night I have had a horrible pain around the back of my head that I too though was sinus pain. I know I will just need to endure the withdrawals. You may want to check with your doctor and see if you have iron deficient anemia. Now I am dramatically reducing my sugar intake. Birdwing, after 6 weeks the sugar withdrawals should be over. I am assuming that is the withdrawal as well. When the office breakfast was a table full of bagels, donuts, cakes, and baked goods last week, I had a slice of the only quiche on the table and a glass of tomato juice. That sugary stuff sat in our coffee room for days as people picked at it, but I was good. My feet were becoming swollen a lot over the summer where I could only wear some big sandals whenever it was humid. Regardless, am excited to continue my clean eating and weaning off of sugar and caffeine as my insides will thank me. We now have to learn how to deal with the life skills and the tears n tantrums of life. I need to take responsibility for my food choices and endure this dreadful withdrawal process. Typically with lent though, I can allow myself something sweet on Sundays. Not a problem but its good to know it should clear up in a week or two. Thanks for all of your comments here and I wish all of you the best with your efforts to improve your health by cutting back on sugar. I am totally addicted to coke and chocolate (suagar), i dont really see why i should kick this addiction, i am not fat and i consider myself pretty healthy, although my insides may be rotting. I gave up sugar because I write an anti addiction website. Now I am having to find new ways to reduce stress and anxiety. I has saved my life and stopped me from returning to my old ways. 4 months ago, I strictly limited sugar and white flour in my diet, and my symptoms reversed altogether after about 3 weeks. I do have anxiety problems to begin with but when I consume them they get bad. Thank you all for being here and sharing your stories. A. They confirmed that I have a wheat allergy. Do you really think this is the effect of eating a small amount of sugar having gone clean for two months. I was starting to eat cookies and candy every few hours throughout the day just to feel alive. The poor kids I teach and my own kids are around a bear with a sore head. Your response was exactly what i was looking for myself. I decided to quit drinking and go on a healthy diet, so I have also given up on sugar, (including stevia), and processed foods. I read and exercised more than usual and drank a lot of water. I look at all the labels of the foods I eat and look for any added sugar. Drink lots of water too because toxins are stored in fat cells and when you cut down on sugar you are helping to get rid of toxins and that can also make you feel awful. Gave up sugar (sweets and Coke) for Lent too. I really enjoy your Blog, it is very helpful. I have a pretty high pain tolerance so if I admit to almost not being able to take it, then I must be feeling pretty bad. It might be a good time to make an appointment with your doctor. Any thoughts on honey in the place of sugar. Sometimes a few weeks of medication is all it takes to bring yourself back to normal. I eat vegetarian with lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Today when i went shopping i was hungry and i cried because the only snack i could find to eat whilst out and about was humous, carrots and wafer sliced sandwich chicken. It feel so good to know I am not the only one going through this. Perhaps your doc can give you some idea about what sort of things you should be snacking on, and how often. Or you may have an underlying imbalance with your blood sugar or endocrine system that the sugar and alcohol have been masking all these years. Good luck to everyone else struggling with this. Since then, I go through horrible phases of sugar cravings. I guess why I came on here is bc I am actually very depressed about this. Ally if your current symptoms are just coming from the sugar withdrawals, you should be at least half-way through the worst of it, and you could feel better in just a day or two. My other symptoms are feeling faint at times, shaky, hungry (although I am eating a great deal, all I want, of unrefined grains and fresh vegetables), muddled, tired and grouchy at times. My digestion, which was always a bit dodgy, has also been very much better. I am reluctant to go back on medication and actually quite relieved to hear that the reason for my anxiety and fear could simply be withdrawl from sugar and alcohol. I paced, wrung my hands and was shaking badly. But it does look like you might have a virus. The stress and demands led me to eating 16 doughnuts yesterday. Is there any correlation with the withdrawl of sugar from the diet. i cannot afford reflexology so,i drink some water,turn all the lights off put on an eye cover and get a kind person (insert husbands name here) to give me a gentle foot rub. I have had a love affair with sugar all my life and now in my fifties I am giving it up. Unless your doctor has you on a high-protein diet for some health reason, you might find yourself feeling a lot better if you eat a potato or some other high-carb, no-sugar food. I am like an acoholic only with sugar and i cannot even handle small amounts which makes me sad. I am exhausted all the time and feel anxious and depressed. This tiredness is nothing compared to before when I had sugar and then the down that came after eating the candy, cookie etc. To replace coffee I am drinking hot water with fresh line juice and a little honey. Pepper, which has a bad aftertaste, and Coke Zero which I am liking. I am into day 8 of my aspartame detox and am feeling like utter crap. Hi Loretta, i always find that foot massage REALLY helps me with migraine. It would certainly motivate and commit me further. After researching the effects on a body I decided I dont want to put my poor body thru that anymore. I have been staying away from junk food and have lost 15lbs, just from that, though the fatigue fluctuates, my doc thinks its blood pressure or high cholesterol, thought the latter has gone down a bit too. I am a new woman with just one pill per day about 2 hours before bedtime. So that in itself is alot of sugar in addition to the cookies, chocolate, ice cream, etc. I am back to eating small amounts of fruit. I have completely gone off sugar now for about 8 days and I still have a headache. However today I woke up exhausted and have pretty much felt like I had been hit by a truck all day. So, my challenge is to learn to drink it black. I wonder if that is why iv been feeling so lethargic, like someone pulled the cork, also have a lot of tension in my hands when clenching a fist and my legs feel weak, gave up white bread some 3 months ago and all bread about 6 weeks ago and i always used to eat a lot of bread, could this be the cause of my lethargy and depression which iv had for about 3 weeks now. I do have low blood sugar issues and use to eat candy to get my HIGH. com. Articles About Sugar Addiction Sugar Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms. Also dairy, wheat and eggs and I lost a lot of weight, but I had a binge after doing all the hard work of cutting it out, and apart from feeling horrible, I am really struggling to get back on track. How longer before I feel normal or least have some energy. Because of the inclement weather I have not been able to start walking. I knew there would be some withdrawl but never thought it would be as stated. The first step towards giving up a habit that involves an addictive substance is acknowledgment. The reason you are experiencing more then usual emotions is because sugar just like all addictive substances repress emotions. This forum has been a God send as no one (that I know at least) seems to understand that sugar can be a very powerful force in our body. in the late afternoon, and another glass of it with dinner. It seems I can only hang in there short-term, even when I feel so much better when I do. The other issue is with diet soft drinks. On day 1 of rehab I stopped at the gas station and bought a jumbo pack of skittles. you can also order it online at Vitacost. I used a lot of little tricks to get sugar-free, including the meditation technique I describe here. Did you guys decide the heartburn was just a side effect. Yes, some people do feel a bit dizzy for a few days when they stop eating refined sugar. Even though I am slender I still have pockets of cellulite as well as acne-prone skin. I have been seeing a nutritionist for 3 weeks now as I have to cut weight quickly for my sport. I really CAUTION people: PLEASE research before you go on antidepressants or any other kind of psychotropic drug. DAY 1: brain is in a fog, does anyone else experience lack of focus. Penny, are you now eating a very low-carb diet. I will keep in touch and let you know how it is going. I started to do research and found your page. I have had the headaches too, but increase the water you drink. First of all, I need to say thank you for this website, and to all the people that have posted their thoughts and issues with going sugar free. Gayle, the amount of sugar you remove from your diet is totally up to you. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue for a long time now. I believe junk food can be used like a very cheep legal drug. It is hard for me to cook for myself too. heartburn is virtually gone, but i also try to avoid gluten, dairy and sugar for the most part. This too will pass, and I can not wait to get to the other side and feel great again. I hope your side effect eventually went away as I hope mine will too. and that is good for you. The only sugar I have had over these past few days is sugar from fresh fruits. I never knew how addicting sugar could be. No bread, potatoes or white rice as i have cut out basic carbs and anything with yeast in it or anything fermented. I knew there would be a headache (and there was), so I scheduled my headache for the weekend. I do not want to trade one bad habit for another. I eat mainly good fats such as avocados a huge variety of nuts, fiber filled greens(huge variety) fish, chicken turkey, i do actually eat blueberrys or any berrys with the exeption of strawberrys. Dew, then another around noon, and about 16 oz. Also my liver enzyme tests are back to normal, so my fatty liver is on the mend. Or did you replace the fruit, honey, white bread, etc. I hope your naturopath gave you a list of things you can eat. There is no question in my mind that this is an addiction nearly on par from when I quit smoking. Hay came up on my facebook newsfeed after a night of me crying and praying for God to help me), with a book suggestion for people who have my symptoms but no doctor has been able to help. And, do make sure that you keep your doctor informed. Little by little I ate more and more. This is definitely a question for your doctor. Today is day 2 without any sugar or coffee. It is amazing how much more clear headed I am and just motivated to move again. I only had a slight headache one day and maybe it was due to something else. If you do go through with it before me, please let me know how it goes. It is great to hear about this only lasting a week or two more. I went to check that post out, and was glad to find some easy work-in solutions for meals. My mood has lifted and I feel cleaner inside already. Yes, prayer is the best thing to overcome. Unfortunately, I did not continue with my good habits, and I have fallen back into the pre-menopause symptoms. Is it possible to wean yourself off sugar. Mark, it might not be a bad idea to talk to your doctor about medication that could help you with your anxiety or depression. If you are self diagnosed then you need to see a physician. Lyndsay, I think it would be a good idea to ask your doctor about your symptoms. Other drugs, such as tobacco, have far longer and more disturbing withdrawal symptoms. But I am concerned that, due to the length of time and the level of sugar I consumed, could this cold turkey thing actually be dangerous. Two days in I was feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I got to the point where eating one cookie, brownie, or candy too many made me ill. I hope you are feeling better and hope I will feel better soon too. I started really noticing a difference in how I felt yesterday. If we walk a lifetime with crutches and then suddenly throw them away, a bit of anxiety as we walk crutch-free is a logical response. She also was unable to gain weight, no matter how much she ate. Thank you all for putting your experiences up its nice not to feel alone when others do not understand about the detox xx. Did not expect to feel these terrible withdrawal symptoms. Enough is enough, time to get back to the organic girl I know. Try to take it easy, drink lots of fluids, and we do hope you feel better soon. I think i have been eating less so i will head for something sweet to replace the energy i am lacking from a good meal. Hi, I have had allergies and asthma for years. Didnt really put two and two together, then I ate some carbs and it was like taking a happy pill. I am still eating really healthy but not giving up white flour. Also, as I mention as often as possible, a high-sugar diet can sometimes mask blood-sugar related illnesses that only become apparent when we stop eating the stuff. you should probably eat something. It has been two weeks today since I have had added sugar such as cookies, candy, cake etc. Latley I have gained about 5 pounds all in the middle anne my pants are all uncomfortably tight. Hi, on March 31st I started my new health kick to give up all junk foods and white sugar, bread, flour,etc. I came to the conclusion on my own I need to cut the sugar. I have been consuming much too much, and my weight has been stuck at the same for much too long. I have always known I was a sugar addict but never really felt like I connected with anyone on how it made me feel. Sugar made me fat irritable and exhausted constantly. Sugar temptation is all around me but I am trying to focus on how bad it is and thinking of it as an addicting drug rather than food. I am not a big fan of artifical sweetners, and I am not ready to give up coffee. I am taking probiotics every day, and I plan on taking fiber capsules as well. So far I have had the shakes, chills, nausea, hungry allllll the time (even though I am eating plenty of food and every 3 hours), extreme thirst (have drank 12 sixteen ounces glasses of water with lemon juice), and the worst migraine I have experienced in years. Have been doing 45 minutes, 2. I got so tired, brain foggy, very hungry and a headache. each, and have kept the weight off. I am on day 8 and feel so exhausted, foggy, headaches. If you have time, you might want to watch this video to see which types of sugar cause the health problems. I thought about the prospect of medicating myself and resolved to quit sugar and get healthy that day. I changed my diet yesterday and cut out all refined sugar. It sounded kind of wierd at first but my friend did so well on it her first week (lost 9 lbs in the first week) that I decided to try it to. I am doing the 90 day OA with the food plan. I highly doubt God created us to be captives in our own bodies. People try to avoid feeling pain because we are told there is something wrong if we get down, being sad is partly what makes us human. If you simply cut out all the processed foods you normally eat without replacing them with healthier foods, your withdrawal symptoms will be more severe. I found healthy sugar free snacks, but after I eat them, I am still hungry (sometimes hungrier). BTW, I would wake up and eat chocolate candybars for breakfast, lunch, and before and after my workouts. I stopped drinking it a week ago when my pitcher broke and I decided to just use my old celstial seasonings standbys with no sweetener. You might need more time for your good bacteria to establish themselves again before the yeast infection goes away. Other things that really help me is exercise, eating mostly fruits and vegetables, whole foods, no processed foods, journaling, praying, and having friends to talk to. He and his wife went off sugar and carbs, both lost over 50 lbs. I am onto day 13 of no sugar, coffee, dairy or wheat. I will also tell them i need to see a nutritonist, hopefully they will listen i will take mum for support as you say you are not a doctor but neither am i so if i have to be on such a strict diet i suppose i need proper guidance. I quit yesterday and I already feel kind of tired and unfocused. Sugar is everywhere and I have become a food snob. In the meantime to your health, the most important thing. I sure can relate to being sleep and slightly depressed but i feel much calmer. In my research on kicking the habit, i came across this 7 day cleanse where you only eat fruits and veggies on the lowest level of the glycemic index. Hey Charlene, I am having the same problem. Taking Vitamins as to not deplete myself work too. My caffeine withdrawal headache lasted 2 days, sugar withdrawal symptoms may last for a week or two. First, the sugar in Coke and other soft drinks is usually corn syrup, and recent studies have shown that corn syrup makes people gain weight more quickly than regular sugar. Who knows, someone else out there might want to share their efforts over a 14 day period as well. Even if it has this book is great for a very balanced approach to health. I have been successful in changing to certain foods by blending them so the change is gradual. A couple of hours later I had a massive panic attack. Kittycat thank you for your advice, its like suddenly everyhting is a wory the future the past everything, and part of me wonders is it anxiety because of personal problems (Lost my brother to suicide and found another guy who did it etc) i know white bread was a massive aprt of my diet, so who knows i guess we all look for answers. I have gained 25 pounds, am always tired and irritable (I really try hard to be nice. There is also an over the counter tablet called chorelle, you know the good stuff in green veg. I need energy and health for my kids and health and hormones. The fiber and vitamins in the fruit prevent it from having the damaging effects that are normally associated with sugar. This site gives you a estimate of how much caffeine you might have been consuming with your chocolate. I also know I have a ways to go to lose more weight and cut more sugar, but I am learning a new mind set. I think it best that I stay away from artificial sweeteners. My head is spinning this morning and this is day 3 for no sugar. If you were diagnosed by a physician you should have been given a diet. My allergies and asthma, do seem to have have improved. You may continue to be lethargic for a few more days, but it will go away eventually, I promise. It was around Feb when i detoxed my system with an all veggie and fruit diet for a week and how great I felt after getting sugar out of my system. I have had no problems other than being a little tired. Iron fortified bread could have been one of your only sources of iron. Sorry i am just now seeing your post but hopefully you will read this. We are only supposed to eat lean meat (chicken, fish, turkey), vegetables (not including potatoes), and nuts for the first 2 weeks. I use to eat sugar everyday and going on my second day my body feels hot and maybe because Im not eating any carbs even vegetables which I love. I would highly encourage you to try to stay off of the drugs if possible, but of course in the end it is your decision and you need to do what is best for you and your body. Saturated fats from well raised animals can have a dramatically positive effect on our moods. The second possible cause of depression would only happen if the sugar withdrawal inadvertently caused the individual to go on a very-low-calorie diet. A short-term prescription of anti-depressants has helped many people get through tough times, and kick a difficult sugar habit, too. This is enough to satisfy and the craving passes. Will continue to stay away from the refined sugar which has to be a good thing. I had terrible withdrawal symptoms that first two weeks. My behavior was noticeably calmer, happier and less frantic. I realize it is the sugar because when I was off sugar for 3 months, I felt calm and peaceful. My only sugar was in a lemonaide mix with fresh brewed ice tea. I was big into coffee with triple sugar and double cream, and had difficulties after supper with snacks. Ever. I have still been STARVING all day even while drinking it. I did this primarily to avoid having my gall bladder removed (I have gallstones). Tea will be a grilled chicken breast with sweet potato and other veg. I have been feeling incredibly exhausted and, according to my husband, quite grumpy, too. It is only by self diagnosis that I have come up with this determination (and Louise L. Sweet potatoes are good carbs and you can have them with butter. mostly refined sugar laden. For instance, thousands of service men came home from the Vietnam war addicted to heroin, but once they were home their families and their jobs were more important to them, so they did whatever it took to kick their habit. It is not any more healthy for the body than white. There are times when intense sugar cravings may be a way of self-medicating to get through a short period of clinical depression. Before I decided to cut these vices from my diet, I would drink caffeinated sodas about twice a day, as well as artificial fruit juices, coffee drinks, and some candy. I have been addicted my entire life and am trying to get off the unhealthy treadmill. The chiropractor said that these are also signs of sugar withdrawal and should pass once my body adjusts to the new diet.

I have a back injury so exercise is hard for me. The worst time of day is right after dinner for a couple hours, intense cravings and also mid afternoon. Many people do have anxiety when they go off sugar, but anyone with an underlying condition that affects their blood sugar levels should get advice from a health professional. You can go years without even realizing its a problem. I was told this is a normal occurrence since the adjustments release toxins in the body, the body requires the fluids to be replenished. Everytime I alter my eating habits the only thing that remains constant in my diet is my large intake of chocolate. First, sugar does stimulate the same brain chemicals that heroin does, which gives us that temporary sugar high. I have been off sugar for one week today. but currently my income it will not be very easy. Your symptoms are not typical of sugar withdrawal. I have been without processed sugars for 36 hours. These drugs are addictive as well and can cause brain damage and horrible side effects that may be worse than what you are taking them for. In essence, you are cleansing your body by eliminating sugar and simple carbs. I decided to get rid of the coffee and sugar. We all have reasons for eating the way we do now. If you are deficient in iron it always causes lethargy and weakness. I was beginning to feel that I would never be normal again. I completely cut out refined sugar and grains. I think I am going to have to slowly eleminate the sugar or I will be sick. I also became very verbal about my feelings and in a way I am usually not. Headache for days and now pain in my joints. It was like a lightbulb went off last night I had a sugar addiction. I too have used lent to refocus my efforts in the past with some success. I am 21 years old, slim, and active- but only beausr of my fast metabolism and because I am always on the go. My mood and energy levela were better than they have been in a long time. I can assure you this is not the case for me. My head is pounding as I write this, I needed the encouragement I found on this site. But 2 days after that I was feeling great. I am trying really hard to focus on other things like Jonni said to do. They knock me out where I am not able to function. I know that because I have experienced that and work a 12 step program through O. My boyfriend looks at me crazy when I tell him that I could sit down and eat a 13 x 9 cake by myself. Unfortunately the sugar intake went up to compensate for the lack of alcohol. It does sound like your current symptoms are troublesome, and I hope they go away soon. I think what makes it hardest is not knowing when its going to be over. Due to my low mood, I am almost to the point where I think I might be better off eating sugar again. I am trying to give up refined sugars for good. I wanted to find out if what I am feeling is typical. I have come to the conclusion that I have a super sensitivety to sugar as it only takes the tiniest amounts to snowball back to days on end with nothing but garbage going into my mouth. Has anyone tried switching to whole food-type carbs when giving up sugar. I am so happy to read your website as i have been a sugar addict for a LONG time and its nice to know its coming out of the closet so to speak and being talked about as being a real problem. I do hope your doctor gave you a specific diet plan to follow. However, you seem to be feeling more anxious than depressed, so that may not be the problem here. any other advice. I have also cut out many high acid foods. I recently found out I have an allergy to cane sugar and was forced to cut it out of my diet. If you feel depressed, try eating a baked potato with butter on top, and see if it helps. I decided to go buy a whole lot of chocolate and I felt better after eating it. I have been exercising more and doing hour of mediation each day. We eat lots of vegetables and fruit and always whole grains and legumes. You are consuming too much refined sugar and probably refined flour as well. I now realize that those 25lbs put me into the body mass index for pre diabetes. Day 1-3: Extreme hunger, anxiety and massive cravings. Any ideas re: how I can discipline myself long-term. The second thing an addict needs to do is to discover they have power over their thoughts. Although no one might have any interest in my struggle it is a way for me to stay committed and accountable without having to start a blog of my own:). I have finally accepted that I am clinically depressed. A few stressful external events have probably influenced my cravings but just recognizing this have helped me work through it. I now eat a diet that is completely alkalizing and sugar free. What surprised me was that the second week was worse than the first. I am close to the end of day two of no sugar, and it only just dawned on me earlier this morning that my body might have to endure some headaches. This afternoon, I took note of my headache. Then I wake up in the middle of the night. Im like you feel like i want to burst in to tears for no reason. You can read more about Splenda on Wikipedia. I never realized what caffeine was doing to my system and that I was eating as much food that had some form of sugar. This withdrawl is a real eye opener on how addictive it is. The illness is often misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, dermatitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or nervous stomach. I have recently quit sugar, usually never have heartburn, but day 2 and day 3, have pretty bad heartburn. I quit caffeine about 7 years ago so I was just expecting no more than that. My goal is to go down to about 150-160lbs. The most important key to my mental health is not eating sugar. All these posts do make me feel better though. Thanks Petra, I am only on day 1 but I have some baklava in the fridge that I bought today. Also sugar free peanut butter, oatmeal, steel cut oats, and some fruit. Now I try to be kind to body and emotional self. I am also having this intense desire for chocolate and sweet. That said, I highly approve of any excuse for getting off the sugar, and most Candida diets do just that. Also, the reduction in skin rashes would make sense, since so many of them are caused by yeast infections or other fungi, which love sugar. So, after weeks of researching, I decided to go off Sugar. No sugar at all so no fruit or honey either. Hi, thank you so much everyone for all your support and inspiration and knowledge along this journey. This is probably a rare problem, but something we should be aware of as a possibility. I have not experienced any headaches, but I do seem to have some mild stomach upset. I have not lost any weight, but tightening up. Some researchers believe that artificial sweeteners are associated with the current diabetes epidemic. You have described exactly how I am feeling after only 2 days, it is terrible I feel like something is seriously wrong with me. I have such anxiety and FEAR, which is so debilitating. If you can make it over the Dew addiction, you can make it past the sugar reliance. So I assume my body is just going thru the normal withdraw phase as I read the comments. That can be anything from white flour to actual sugar. Several years ago, I went on South Beach diet and nothing happened for a few weeks. I too am experiencing withdrawal symptoms only after 3 days. I have had the most awful withdrawal headaches,achy, shaky, depressed and weepy. We have a family history of type II diabetes and I do not have it, yet. Reading these posts keeps me motivated and it helps to know others are trying to get healthy and that they are going through the same things. So, I was talking to someone today and I discovered that what I have been feeling over the past couple weeks is what she said to be sugar withdrawal. It is extremely challenging, so far its working. Garlic Pills kill of candida which is especially good if you are suffering from an overgrowth or have been on antibiotics for a long period of time. People who can take or leave foods with sugar cannot relate with us. Do you know when your regular doctor is coming back. Try eating a lot of foods that have iron and protein naturally. so i have been eating more processed foods. I gave up sugar for splenda and I was wondering will that still give me withdrawal symptoms I feel terrible aching chills rundown. at first it may hurt as there are so many nerve endings there but it helps so much. May I suggest visiting a website called marksdailyapple. You cannot ever go back to the level of eating sugar like before. I come from a family with alcolhol issues and gave up drinking 13 years ago. But glad to know there is something I can easily incorporate into my meals to keep the headaches at bay. Anyways, thank you so much for having this blog. No headaches yet but expect them to come soon. Besides the headache and sleepiness, I have the urge to eat everything I see. I am going to keep my blog going to chart my progress. But I get irritable and antsy to eat something sweet. I take a hot bath or meditate or talk to a good friend or read a book. I never realized just how much the sugar in the Coke was effecting my life. Hi there, really interested to find this site. I am, however, now 5 days into doing it again and massively determined. I am trying to figure out how this all relates. Now I am trying to learn new ways to get through stress. Once you can see which thoughts (which look like cravings) are unhelpful, you can then start learning how to simply change your mind and think about something else. I hope to stay in touch and encourage others so we can ALL get through this. So, they told me no more yeast products, milk, and sugar. I would encourage you to try a few different things and see what helps you. It is quite disgusting how it is in EVERYTHING that we eat now. I am on day 6 of sugar withdrawal and cutting out white flour as well. I took Excedrin Migraine and it only dulled the pain. I love anything sweet and will make a meal out of cake, pie, ice cream, candy, etc. The last time I slipped with alcohol and with the sugar was in social situations, it just makes me feel so alone and without support and doubt everything. Bread and carbs increase the seratonin levels in your body, so when you get rid of them from your diet your seratonin levels drop and you feel more anxious or depressed. Ache all over and down for the count in bed. I am on a low income so buying food that is healthy is more expensive. Just wanted to come here and vent a little. i have started to eat about 6 meals a day made of many healthy things and have taken to eating carrots as its the most sugary tasting veg i can find and i read it inhibits further fungal growth. However, I think I will limit it to refine sugars and continue with natural sugars from fruits. Reading through my post again I can understand why your thoughts on clinical depression might have surfaced. When I was young I went into an adolescent rehab for drugs and alcohol and have been sober ever since. Today it is not nearly as bad as the last two days. It seems strange that the withdrawals would be the same things that eating sugar causes. It is strict and I am only doing it for 2 weeks and then will slowly reintroduce some aspects but I want to eliminate sugar and caffeine totally. This is my second day off sugar and drastically reducing carbs (only complex carbs and only 6 servings a day). She said I would have another test in 3 months to see if the medication was lowering my levels. We cannot eliminate one very important building block in our daily regimen, without paying for it. Excedrine has caffeine but it will knock out the really intense headaches. Tried the diet again many times and it never worked again. It is hard to stay off this stuff and a lot of social pressure, but I hear your brain lights up from it like a heroine addicts from heroine (I think I am misspelling that). I figure if I feel this bad giving up sugar I might as well try to go all the way. Plus it was PMS time and strange enough I was not miserable and grouchy like I normally an during that time. I have more experience with sinus headaches and seem to be at a loss for this kind. Three days ago I was feeling so exhausted and fat I told my husband, I am stopping. No milk, sugar, wheat (or rye or barley), and no coffee or tea. The blue line on the right represents life after withdrawal. And throwing that baklava in the trash would also be a really good start. I made vegetarian chili this weekend with bulgur. I too have an overgrowth of candida but it shows up as severe heartburn for me. I had no idea it would affect me this way. Eating sugar definitely increases the chances of getting a yeast infection in the genital area, which is not very pleasant, to say the least. As a child, my mom noticed that sugar affected me more than other kids, so she took me off of it. If you really are hungry, though. Today is day too and I am just anxious and cried a lot at church, but it was a great message. Are these symptoms normal, and when should they start to fade. Elise, I too have had the paranoid thoughts and it consuming me. After 1 training session I could not help but cry and neither my coach or myself knew what was going on. Red pepper tastes so sweet and is a real treat now. It is so difficult though, headaches are frustrating and I have no energy. Scientists have known for about 80 years that a very-low-calorie diet will result in depression. These symptoms only reenforce the fact that sugar addiction is real, and BAD. So at about day, now, I am having extreme exhaustion and headaches. So for me this is a significant reduction in sugar. He said that he would support me but he wants his stash. Yesterday my body felt weak and my mind was foggy. This week was a little stressful since we were homebound by the ice and snow storms and my husband has a huge stash of cookies, candy, cakes, chips etc. I was glad to read that this can go on for a few weeks. Most of what I read about honey, I see the great benefits it has to offer. I am eating fruits, vegetables and lean protein. She put me on Candex, which you can get at the health food store. That might be why the symptoms seem so similar. I am very fit and not overweight,not depressed and have no health problems other than I love my sweets. I know that if I go to my kitchen and eat something sugary, I will feel better. Just wanted to give a quick overview of my cleansing regime. I feel rather woozy sometimes but I noticed going home after work last night that instead of feeling totally exhausted I actually felt OK. I stopped processed foods cold turkey about a week ago. Been to Natural Dr. I feel very very much better, have lost around 30 pounds and had no real cravings at all. Special thanks to Jonni for the site and all her research. I am going to start over and begin blogging my process on Monday. In fact, compared to many addictions, giving up sugar and other refined carbs is easy. I am on day two of no refined sugar, no flour, no junk. The headache may be coming from the reduction of caffeine. Other than these simple steps, I eat a healthy whole food alkalizing diet. Hi there, just wanted to share my story and hopefully it can help any others struggling with withdrawals. I am now on day 3 with no sweets but I am still eating white flour and having a little sugar in my coffee in am. I am lucky as my symptoms have been light. Having a small ham sandwich with some fruit and water for my lunch. Z, I find that comment of spiritual numbness very interesting. Your post really hit me and I think I am going to try on Monday. This time I am having really bad symptoms. etc. I never want to go through two weeks like that again. Anyway, if your diet feels bad for you, trust your body and try something else. I have no ambitions to lose weight but have found simply writing down what I eat gives me more control. Some cultures teach this from the cradle, but our own culture forgets to teach us this important skill. Irregular periods, depression and having panic attacks too. I had no idea there were so many withdrawal symptoms from sugar. I am on day 2 of the process of eliminating sugar from my diet. I am hoping that once I go off, I will not continue this cycle of going back on sugar. Look at both sides of the issue, educate yourself as much as possible about nutrition, and then make an informed choice. I started off lent with good intentions but fell off the wagon during a social gathering and never recouped. Yesterday was very bad, throbbing headache, exhausted and feeling very down. I am just going to concentrate on keeping off the white stuff and hope to see results. Some people may experience little or no discomfort at all. My diet consist of a good serving of carbs and protein but is low in fat which means I have to stop eating chocolate. My sister goes through the exact same thing. I decided I want to try to see what I can do on my own first before I resort to meds. Wish me luck, I hope I get some energy back soon. Any other coping strategies someone have had success with are welcome. Like the time before this, I go pretty strict on not eating sugar. Once the sugar is taken away, (and all the protein, it seems) you might be experiencing symptoms of some imbalance that should be treated. If it a caffeine headache, that would explain why the frapaccino helped. I have now gone two months completely cutting out sugar (except what naturally occurs in fruit etc) and caffeine. As well as developing a heavy cold practically overnight, I feel drowsy, very heavy headed and quite low. In the last year or so my consumption of wine has increased from 1-2 glasses a day to 2-4 and more on weekends in social situations. Then about 2 hours after lunch I start getting the cravings, headache, anxiety, grumpy, foggy brain, emotional (crying at weird things). Its actually given to alcoholics to help them deal with withdrawal symptoms. I need to loose 30 pounds and feel better. I got hypoglycemia, how do I quit sugar preventing low blood sugar levels. I find eating regularly helps with the headache pain, started with a Muller Light yoghurt and a small bag of grapes for breakfast. For dessert now, I have prunes, or pistacios, or nothing at all. I feel rotten from it and peri menopause is not helping. I feel so much better when I am not eating it. I am a 19 year old freshman in college, and I have cut out all caffeine and refined sugar from my diet. The last year and a half I have been eating some of his cookies and candy (There was some stress with a move and surgery. Then after 3 days of those symptoms, it changed to feelings of fatigue, clu mbsiness, weakness in the same areas. I used to drink 1litre of Sprite a day as well as various chocolate bars and things like that. My sister and I decided to do a 12 week exercise program and I really would like to lose the weight that I have gained in college. Recently quit eating tons of sugar at night because of something else I quit and boy my body is revolting. Sugar addiction withdrawal symptoms usually go away within a week or two. Now I can only hope that I can reverse some of the damage I have done. I did normally I am all or nothing, but I am going to recommit for the rat of lent. I think I had a stronger sugar withdrawal response because of the massive level of sugar I had been eating for such a long time. I decided that I had to do something and it was the sugar. The hardest part is going out or being with others and learning to say NO. Unfortunately I was young (only 14) and as soon as holiday rolled round the tempt of delicious ice-creams and fizzy drinks was too much and I fell off the wagon. I really had no withdrawl symptoms except being tired. Also, they caused spiritual numbness and an inability to get over the original crisis. Then, once we get through the first week or so, we feel better and move on to other things. I like to drink hot tea with milk and sugar, cereal with sugar. Some of these symptoms, especially the mood swings, fatigue and drowsiness, can occur on a daily basis as the blood sugar rises and falls on a high-sugar diet. I am looking forward to saying no to cookies and cake the next time they are in front of me. No headache today but flat and very tired. The mood swings, and all the rest, should be gone in a week or so, or perhaps even sooner. I am also going to start Zumba tomorrow nite. I am eating little meals through the day to help with my insulin regulation. My depression, anxiety, and mood swings were so much better. I have been off sugar for 15 days and had only a slight headache one day. At the beginning of this week, I was feeling awful, like I could feel my blood swimming in my veins, I just felt so different. If you have a sweet tooth, you know what I mean. This is not a sinus headache, and it feels more like a migraine. I left the Dr and went to the store and stared at the diet pop selection. I am on day 5 of total sugar and caffeine withdrawl. I know I am addicted to sugar and carbs, but I never thought about the withdrawals being this bad. No headache today but just feel low and still tired, but better for having stopped. I have also noticed lately my skin, the bags around my eyes. I am on day 2 and am experiencing the terrible heartburn, fogginess, dizziness, sleepiness, weakness, moodiness, head aches, body aches. I also had a terrible time with my emotions, extreme anxiety, depression, fearfulness. I am quitting because, even though I am in very good shape and weigh within the acceptable ranges, my body fat is very high and this is jamming up my cholesterol levels. My frontal lobe was really squished from the sinus inflammation. Dew and Vault and I recently started drinking coffee as well. Is it really healthy to eliminate ALL carbs. The Bentonite Clay absorbs harmful, toxic substances in the body and the psyllium (pure fibre) helps to pull all these through your system and eliminate them through bowel movement. And I had also never heard of candida before either before yesterday. I would ordinarily drink about 3 cups of coffee a day, each with 2 tsp of sugar in it. Eventually after 4 months I sucummed to SSRI medication as I simply was not coping or functioning. Once i am off sugar, i feel great, i have energy with transfers over into being athletic again, but i dont know how to accept the fact that i can never have it again. Better yet, keep in close contact with your doctor. Hi Jonni, I recently started a diet with reduced sugar. I have noticed that I have been very agitated as well. Naturally when one stops using any addictive substance they will feel those emotions that the effects of the addictive substance had beforehand kept repressed. Talk this over with your doctor before trying it again. I cut out carbs, fruits(except avocados and a few others), sugar and caffeine. I could be totally unrelated to your diet. Maybe went a little too far in trying to do a good thing. Bless you. I eliminated sugar from my diet three months ago. Wish me luck and I will post to keep myself accountable as well. I have been at this point twice before in the last few weeks. It is full of wonderful advice for eating the foods we need to find good health. I consume aloooot of chocolate in one day. Maybe that has something to do with feeling well. Sugar also fatigues the adrenal glands, not good. I have to look up recipes, and try to organize meals better. Yeast infections are sometimes misdiagnosed, so the new swab might be a good idea. Yesterday I woke up with terrible heartburn which I rarely get and I am still suffereing from it today. I know this because I will be a doctor in 3 months. I am 43 and actually quite fit but I am a huge sugar addict. , nutritionists and so on. It helped that I brought something safe to snack on. I have been crying at the drop of a hat and have had bouts of feeling claustrophobic and thinking I was suffocating. So i googled sugar withdrawal and noticed I had all the symptoms: headaches, moody, depressed, muscle aches, feeling cold (all of it). He also has ice cream and cakes in the freezer and a generous supply of cake and brownie mixes. I also have a one year old son and 3 year old daughter so I am pretty busy. I lift regularly and wanted to cut up a bit so I removed carbs for about 2months, lost tons of weight got ripped but my mood was horrible. The weight fell off me and I dropped two dress sizes. Just recently I tried to limit my sugar intake but it only made the cravings worse. I quit smoking years ago and I think this is almost as bad. It is just as bad as kicking drugs and alcohol, maybe even worse. Bloated feeling from soda has started to dissapate. Is it possible that the sugar addiction can be a cause of this mucus and not only one of sugar withdrawls symptoms. Well this is day 7 of no coffee and sugar. Did you give up coffee at the same time, by any chance. The vast majority of them were successful, even without intervention of any kind. Squash, sweet potatoes, even regular potatoes might help with the headache. I will attempted to only eat home made foods. I have Iron Defeciant Anemia and have those exact symptoms when my iron gets low. That is gone, not that I postpone my meals often. I have no energy and just want to stay at home and sleep. I also made sure to remove as much stress as possible from my life, cleaned all the sugar out of my house, among other things. The only suggestion I can make is to eat the healthiest food you can find, and let your body rest when it needs to. It is a natural, and I have heard that it is better for you. I have been exercising regularly now for 2 years with no real results. Go with your emotions, they were there to start with, it will make you a better person. I practically overdosed on milkshakes the other night because I was trying to control my cravings. , for eliminating headaches in particular. I even dreamed about baking goodies last nite. I have quit most of the sugar that I have been eating except white bread. Hi Maria. Try to take care of yourself, drink lots of liquids, and no matter what caused your current problems you should be feeling much better soon. The only other things i can think of since starting this diet is that i am starving all the time. Am I now back to square one as regards withdrawal. I do realize caffeine and sugar have huge impacts on my medications I take, so I decided to cut out the pastries, cookies, etc. Thrush is also sometimes the first warning sign of diabetes or immune system problems, so your doctor should look harder for the cause. Maybe he or she would have some ideas for making the transition a little easier. This week I went back to my diet and have been having the most awful headaches and have begun to feel lethargic and moody again. I exercise every day and have an athletic build, so I have never experienced any weight gain from my horrible habits. Last year I gave up sugar, alcohol and soft drinks. I am 3 days into my cleansing, and my symptoms have included extreme anxiety, chills, lack of focus, and mood swings. I have decided that I am not like some of these other people that can do this. I have been feeling very dizzy, (nauceous 1 day), extremely tired, congested, had heart burn for a couple of days. I love to bake, and i love to enjoy my marvels,however as a true sugar addict in every sense of the word, i dont know how to deal with thinking about never having it or being able to bake and control myself. The first few days of headaches were so intense I took Excedrine for the pain. This is a question for all who hav